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Innovative model of the new Zaldi 2G saddles collection with different options of configuration.
-European selected leather. Outside kneepad.
-Latex rubber seat.
-Long flaps
-Woolen panels
-Semi-deep dressage tree, made from special materials, using the latest modern technology. 10 years guarantee.
-Long girth straps.
-Available sizes. Rider 16" - 16,5" - 17" - 17,5" 18" - Horse. 28 - 34 cm
EXTRA OPTIONS FOR CONFIGURATION (Download configuration sheet):
-POLYPROPYLENE saddle tree Ref. 00118 / OR CHANGE Saddletree Ref. 00119
-Stirrup bars: Short / Long / 2 positions / 4 positions.
-Extra-comfortable seat +Ref. 00902
-KNEEPADS: Thigh-Block +Ref. 00906 OR 4 model of kneepads (Small / Medium / High / Big).You can choose to have them put in the saddle with SCREWS, or with VELCRO or FIXED (sewn).
-Anatomic panel and first girth strap elasticated +Ref. 00903
-Dropped panel +Ref. 00913
-Multi-position girth straps +Ref. 00914
-Multiposition and Refillable panels +Ref. 00916
-Special saddle for woman (+1cm wider in the twist)
Kent 2G Ref. 00118. The saddle of the picture is configured with the polypropylene saddletree, with the extra-comfortable seat ref. 00902, also with the anatomic panel and first girth strap elasticated ref. 00903. With multiposition refillable panel ref. 00916 and multiposition stirrup straps in "V" ref. 00914.
At present, besides the classic colors, multiple color combinations can be made as regards to leather, stitching, piping, edge strips…
-Measurement of the seat: 43cm, from the cantle to the Zaldi nail.
-Length of the panel in the underside: 47cm
-Length of the flap (down from the stirrup bar): 41cm
-Kneepad: 30cm high x 6cm wide x 4.5cm projection
-Saddle Support Area: 42cm
-Weight: 6.800kgs
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