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Cuidado y nutrición
Regalos y complementos
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- Razas, novelas, historicos, varios
- Bolsos
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- Pegatinas
- Posters
- Pañuelos
- Cosas diversas
List of products by brand Kevin Bacon's
Kevin Bacon’s is a family business that has been making a 100% laurel hoof dressing artisanally since 1984. Kevin Bacon's hoof dressing provides all the elements necessary for the good functioning of the hoof capsule and keeps your horses' feet in perfect condition.
Over the years, close cooperation amongst researchers, farriers, veterinarians, and other professional contacts in the horse world has enabled us to develop a range of products with proven effectiveness.
The excellent qualities of the raw materials that we have chosen to use in designing and making our products very quickly give visible results.
The Kevin Bacon’s brand is recognised internationally. Indeed, our product range is well known to many horse lovers who are attuned to the difference that good care makes and it is widely used in professional circles by renowned trainers, riders, and breeders in France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, the United States, Croatia, South Korea, New Zealand, and so on.
Kevin Bacon, the universally-appreciated international show jumper who also goes by the moniker of the “Flying Australian”, decided to lend his name to our developing company, but that was already thirty years ago!
The story of Kevin Bacon’s hoof dressing began on the shop floor of my general butcher's and pork butcher's business near Liège in the 1980s. I had just bought a mare with a clipped heel and was unable to find anything that would get the horn to grow back. A friend then suggested that I make my own hoof dressing, something that my trade made easier.
So, I then met with various farriers, veterinarians, and pharamcists to develop a “miracle cure” for dry, brittle hooves.
As a result, I developed a product made of animal fats, vegetable oils, and laurel extract (obtained by maceration) that truly penetrated the horn to keep moisture inside the hoof. The beneficial actions of laurel extract were not necessarily unknown at the time, but by doing the extraction myself I was able to check the concentrations of active ingredients that it contained.
Good results quickly followed. I started selling the hoof dressing in the environs until a friend sent some to the international show jumper Kevin Bacon, who was immediately convinced of its merits. I then asked him if he would agree to give his name to this hoof dressing.
That marked the start of my little business's expansion. I would work in my back room at the end of the day, turning out 200 kg batches of grease, once a week, then twice a week, then three times a week!
We then had to find wholesalers to distribute the hoof dressing to farriers and tack shops. After winning over the French market, we broke onto the English market. Our meeting with Billy Crothers, a leading name in farriery, was decisive. Today, more than 1200 farriers use and sell my products in the United Kingdom, whilst the figure rises to 4000 for Europe.
As the years went by, other products followed in the wake of the original hoof dressing...and the story continues.
There are 7 products.
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